Monday, May 25, 2009

Music Videos, Etc.

Christian Rich - Famous Girl from CHRISTIAN RICH on Vimeo.

So in the middle of me doing pre-pro on this project I'm working on, I came across this video, one which I think is pretty interesting. As you watch it, you totally feel like the directors know what they're doing in terms of how they convey their ideas. Creepy Kubrickian touches. Very good use of camera, art, lighting, editing...using the elements of the medium to the fullest.

I've always felt like if I were fortunate enough to be a working director I'd prefer to do feature films over music videos--which is something I guess everyone thinking they want to direct thinks that they'd want to do...but it's refreshing when a music video does something that you wouldn't expect and incorporates symbolism, social commentary, whatever.

It's also interesting to think that a music video has the potential to be a completely different interpretation of a song from ideas that the musician who recorded it originally intended. I wonder if Christian Rich intended for the song to convey the ideas that the video seems to. Judging from the lyrics, I don't think they did. Interesting, though, overall.

And speaking of music videos--I've been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to produce/direct a video for this kid.

Nyle "Let The Beat Build" from Nyle on Vimeo.

I'm really excited about it--not only because Nyle's next few videos are probably going to be seen by a shitload of people, but because this one will be a piece that's going to let me tell a story, which is something I feel like you don't get the chance to do in most music videos (especially not in hip-hop). There's a lot involved in this piece, but if I can pull it off, which I will, it's going to be dope. Looking forward to it.

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